Wednesday 11 December 2013

susu? 牛奶? حليب? 우유?

سم الله الرحمن الرحيم
assalamualaikum :)

busy gila dgn assignment yg tak terkata kot. hm

ha entah tiba tiba rasa mcm nak jadi mak mak sikit sebab aku teringat anak buah aku baru lima bulan tu *rindu sebenarnya* ha teringat masa belajar MNT (medical nutrition therapy) pasal peads ni. macam macam lah belajar and aku sangat tertarik dgn part breastfeeding. seronok belajar benda ni sbb tau breast milk is the best milk in the world. subhanaAllah..

second day kakak aku bersalin hari tu kakak aku nampak stress sbb kekurangan susu.and anak dia duk melalak tak behenti je. kitaorang mcm tak tau la nak buat apa cuma ikut petua2 orang dulu2 makan lobak putih la apa la kan, so kakak aku just ikutkan je laa. 

then after few months, class ada lecture pasal paeds ni lah, lecturer cerita mmg normal susu ibu kurang selepas bersalin tu tapi sebenarnya colostrum iaitu susu pertama yang diproduce (warna cream cream sikit) sudah mencukupi untuk baby tu tahan 2 3 hari sementara menunggu susu ibu betul betul keluar. 

waaaa masa aku tau tu, aku rasa subhanaAllah.. apa yang Allah cipta ni cantik sangat flow dia. bila satu tak cukup, Allah gantikan benda lain bagi menampung benda yang tak cukup tu.
macam tak perlu risau sangat2 kalau susu tak cukup, just keep calm and tunggu beberapa hari 

nah mood aku nak share pasal benefits of breasfeeding ni membuak2 pulak. jadi sila lah baca (ˆ⌣ˆ)ノ

susu? 牛奶? حليب? 우유? 

Breast milk is a unique nutritional source that cannot adequately be replaced by any other food, including infant formula. Although pollutants can accumulate in breast milk, it remains superior to infant formula from the perspective of the overall health of both mother and child.
Infants are fragile and susceptible to disease, partly because their bodies are not fully developed. They must be treated with special care and given adequate nourishment. Infant formulas are able to mimic a few of the nutritional components of breast milk, but formula cannot hope to duplicate the vast and constantly changing array of essential nutrients in human milk. Nevertheless, breastfeeding is often devalued, both in the United States and abroad, and in many parts of the world it must compete with relentless advertising by infant-formula companies.
Studies have demonstrated a number of important health benefits to breastfeeding. Among them:
  • Breast-fed children are more resistant to disease and infection early in life than formula-fed children
  • Breast-fed children are less likely to contract a number of diseases later in life, including juvenile diabetes, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and cancer before the age of 15
  • Mothers who breastfeed are less likely to develop osteoporosis later in life, are able to lose weight gained during pregnancy more easily and have a lower risk of breast, uterine and ovarian cancer
Breastfeeding also has economic advantages: it's cheaper than buying formula and helps avoid medical bills later because it helps equip the baby to fight off disease and infection. New parents are well advised to learn all they can about the pros and cons of breast milk and formula. See below for more information on the benefits of breastfeeding.

The United States Lags in Breastfeeding

The United States has one of the lowest rates of breastfeeding in the industrialized world, and one of the highest rates of infant mortality. Data from 2003 indicate that 71 percent of U.S. mothers initiate some breastfeeding, and only 36 percent report feeding any human milk to their infants at six months. Rates in the African-American community are lower, with only 55 percent of women initiating breastfeeding and only 24 percent still breastfeeding at six months. Those numbers stand in marked contrast to Sweden, for example, where the breastfeeding initiation rate exceeds 98 percent and the rate at six months is 72 percent. In Sweden, there is a high level of awareness about chemical contaminants in breast milk, yet most mothers make the wise decision to breastfeed their children anyway.
Benefits to the Child in the First Years of Life
Breast milk is a unique combination of nutrients essential to a child's health, and cannot be duplicated by any laboratory formula. It provides a number of health advantages beginning at birth and continuing throughout a child's life. In fact, a large number of the health problems today's children face might be decreased, or even prevented, by breastfeeding the infant exclusively for at least the first six months of life. The longer the mother breastfeeds, the more likely her child will get the health benefits of breastfeeding.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that mothers breastfeed for at least the first year of a child's life and continue until they both feel they are ready to stop. In the first six months, the baby should be nourished exclusively by breast milk. The slow introduction of iron-enriched foods may complement the breastfeeding in the second half of the first year. Breast milk without supplements during the first six months reduces the possibility of food contamination due to tainted water or malnutrition as a result of over-diluted formula. Therefore, the child should be nursed without the interference of water, sugar water, juices, or formulas, unless a specific medical condition indicates otherwise. The AAP asserts that breast milk has the perfect balance of nutrients for the infant. It is by itself enough sustenance for approximately the first six months of life and should follow as the child's staple throughout the first year.
A variety of studies have demonstrated that breastfeeding increases a child's immunity to disease and infection:
  • Many studies show that breastfeeding strengthens the immune system. During nursing, the mother passes antibodies to the child, which help the child resist diseases and help improve the normal immune response to certain vaccines.
  • Respiratory illness is far more common among formula-fed children. In fact, an analysis of many different research studies concluded that infants fed formula face a threefold greater risk of being hospitalized with a severe respiratory infection than do infants breast-fed for a minimum of four months.
  • Diarrheal disease is three to four times more likely to occur in infants fed formula than those fed breast milk.
  • Breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the likelihood of ear infections, and to prevent recurrent ear infections. Ear infections are a major reason that infants take multiple courses of antibiotics.
  • In developing countries, differences in infection rates can seriously affect an infant's chances for survival. For example, in Brazil, a formula-fed baby is 14 times more likely to die than an exclusively breast-fed baby.
  • Researchers have observed a decrease in the probability of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in breast-fed infants.
  • Another apparent benefit from breastfeeding may be protection from allergies. Eczema, an allergic reaction, is significantly rarer in breast-fed babies. A review of 132 studies on allergy and breastfeeding concluded that breastfeeding appears to help protect children from developing allergies, and that the effect seems to be particularly strong among children whose parents have allergies.
Benefits to the Child Later in Life
Some benefits of breastfeeding become apparent as the child grows older. Among the benefits demonstrated by research:
  • Infants who are breast-fed longer have fewer dental cavities throughout their lives.
  • Several recent studies have shown that children who were breast-fed are significantly less likely to become obese later in childhood. Formula feeding is linked to about a 20 to 30 percent greater likelihood that the child will become obese.
  • Children who are exclusively breast-fed during the first three months of their lives are 34 percent less likely to develop juvenile, insulin-dependent diabetes than children who are fed formula.
  • Breastfeeding may also decrease the risk of childhood cancer in children under 15 years of age. Formula-fed children are eight times more likely to develop cancer than children who are nursed for more than six months. (It is important to note that children who are breast-fed for less than six months do not appear to have any decreased cancer risk compared to bottle-fed children.)
  • As children grow into adults, several studies have shown that people who were breast-fed as infants have lower blood pressure on average than those who were formula-fed. Thus, it is not surprising that other studies have shown that heart disease is less likely to develop in adults who were breast-fed in infancy.
  • Significant evidence suggests that breast-fed children develop fewer psychological, behavioral and learning problems as they grow older. Studies also indicate that cognitive development is increased among children whose mothers choose to breastfeed.
  • In researching the psychological benefits of breast milk, one researcher found that breast-fed children were, on average, more mature, assertive and secure with themselves as they developed.
Benefits to the Mother
Studies indicate that breastfeeding helps improve mothers' health, as well as their children's. A woman grows both physically and emotionally from the relationship she forms with her baby. Just as a woman's breast milk is designed specifically to nourish the body of an infant, the production and delivery of this milk aids her own health. For example:
  • Breastfeeding helps a woman to lose weight after birth. Mothers burn many calories during lactation as their bodies produce milk. In fact, some of the weight gained during pregnancy serves as an energy source for lactation.
  • Breastfeeding releases a hormone in the mother (oxytocin) that causes the uterus to return to its normal size more quickly.
  • When a woman gives birth and proceeds to nurse her baby, she protects herself from becoming pregnant again too soon, a form of birth control found to be 98 percent effective -- more effective than a diaphragm or condom. Scientists believe this process prevents more births worldwide than all forms of contraception combined. In Africa, breastfeeding prevents an estimated average of four births per woman, and in Bangladesh it prevents an estimated average of 6.5 births per woman.
  • Breastfeeding appears to reduce the mother's risk of developing osteoporosis in later years. Although mothers experience bone-mineral loss during breastfeeding, their mineral density is replenished and even increased after lactation.
  • Diabetic women improve their health by breastfeeding. Not only do nursing infants have increased protection from juvenile diabetes, the amount of insulin that the mother requires postpartum goes down.
  • Women who lactate for a total of two or more years reduce their chances of developing breast cancer by 24 percent.
  • Women who breastfeed their children have been shown to be less likely to develop uterine, endometrial or ovarian cancer.
  • The emotional health of the mother may be enhanced by the relationship she develops with her infant during breastfeeding, resulting in fewer feelings of anxiety and a stronger sense of connection with her baby.
  • A woman's ability to produce all of the nutrients that her child needs can provide her with a sense of confidence. Researchers have pointed out that the bond of a nursing mother and child is stronger than any other human contact. Holding the child to her breast provides most mothers with a more powerful psychological experience than carrying the fetus inside her uterus. The relationship between mother and child is rooted in the interactions of breastfeeding. This feeling sets the health and psychological foundation for years to come.

haa benda ni seronok kalau baca dari banyak source. sbb the more you read, the more you learn. cewahh 

terima kasih sebab baca semoga dapat pape input.insyaAllah :) nah si mentel 

siti aisyah humairoh nama si paha tebal ni                                   (ˆ⌣ˆ)

references :

Tuesday 12 November 2013

lembu? cow? 黄牛? 가축? ماشية?

سم الله الرحمن الرحيم
assalamualaikum :)

ha memandangkan aku skang tengah belajar nutrition anthropology, maka ada baiknya aku cerita pasal food and suggest dari lecturer aku lah suh cerita pasal kenapa indian tak makan daging lembu? ha bagus jugak en, yelah kalau dia tak suruh baca memang aku tak cari dan aku tak tau, ekekeke 

selama ni aku just anggap diaorang tak makan sebab lembu tu diaorang anggap ibu la mak la mother la mama la. tapi kenapa diaorang anggap macam tu kan? maka sila la baca  (ˆ⌣ˆ)ノ

lembu? cow? 黄牛? 가축? ماشية? 

Suatu perkara yang sepatutnya (ulang: sepatutnya) sudah diketahui masyarakat pelbagai kaum dan agama di negara bertuah ini adalah bahawa kaum India beragama Hindu tidak makan daging lembu.
Bagi sesiapa yang mengambil ikhtiar untuk bertanya, maka biasanya akan diberikan jawapan paling mudah iaitu bahawa lembu dianggap binatang suci dalam agama Hindu.
Alasan sebenar orang India tidak memakan daging lembu adalah berasaskan budaya dan kepercayaan tradisional; bukan berikutan tuntutan agama semata-mata.
Kaum India-Hindu di serata dunia mempercayai bahawa lembu adalah anugerah Tuhan kepada umat manusia, lalu kurniaan istimewa itu perlu dihargai.
Sekadar contoh mudah, apabila melihat anaknya kelaparan, lembu betina akan segera bergegas mendapatkan si anak untuk menyusukannya.
Begitulah dibandingkan dewa-dewi dalam konsep agama Hindu yang datang segera untuk membantu insan yang memerlukan bantuan.
Dalam kepercayaan kaum India, lembu juga dikatakan sama seperti Bumi; dengan erti kata, sanggup menanggung sesiapa sahaja yang bergantung hidup padanya.
Sebab itulah juga lembu dianggap sebagai “ibu” kerana Bumi, ibu dan lembu dikatakan mempunyai persamaan dari segi kesanggupan berkorban dan menanggung derita demi “anak-anak”.
Sekiranya kita berpeluang memperhatikan kehidupan petani dan pesawah kaum India yang masih menggunakan khidmat lembu, maka kita akan lebih memahami sentimen kaum India terhadap haiwan berkenaan.
Sejak zaman dahulu, lembu memainkan peranan penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat di Benua Kecil India. Hasil kajian arkeologi menemukan bukti kewujudan Tamadun Harappa dan Mohenjo-daro di Lembah Indus sekitar tahun 2500-1500 SM.
Antara barangan yang ditemui adalah mohor daripada batu yang mempunyai ukiran lembu jantan dan betina. Tentulah binatang berkenaan mempunyai peranan penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat pada waktu itu sehingga diabadikan pada mohor.
Lembu membantu petani dan pesawah untuk membajak. Haiwan itu juga digunakan untuk mengangkut barang serta menarik kereta lembu.
Ringkasnya, lembu merupakan binatang yang amat diperlukan dalam kehidupan seharian masyarakat India tradisional. Kita tidak perlu memiliki ijazah Doktor Falsafah untuk memahami, menyedari dan mengakui hakikat itu.
Hubungan dengan Dewa
Dalam pada itu, bagi orang ramai yang berpeluang membaca teks Sejarah Melayu (Sulalatus Salatin) secara teliti dan mendalam, pasti tahu mengenai individu yang dikatakan lahir daripada muntah seekor lembu dan meneruskan jurai keturunan Melayu yang ada sekarang.
Kalau diteliti dalam teks klasik India yang dinamakan purana iaitu cerita dewa-dewi, akan dijelaskan bahawa bukan hanya manusia bergantung pada lembu. Dewa-dewi sendiri mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan mamalia berkenaan.
Misalnya, Dewa Shiva menjadikan lembu sebagai wahana rasmi. Sekiranya kita berpeluang melawat kuil Dewa Shiva, pasti akan kelihatan patung lembu betina yang dinamakan “nandhi” di kuil berkenaan.
Lembu turut menjadi wahana serta binatang kesayangan Dewa Krishna. Tidak setakat itu, purana menggambarkan Dewa Krishna sebagai pengembala lembu.
Terdapat juga sebuah cerita di mana Dewa Krishna mengangkat Gunung Govardhan semasa hujan lebat supaya para petani, penternak serta lembu mereka boleh berlindung di bawahnya.
Sejak dahulu, petani kaum India merayakan ponggal iaitu pesta menuai selama beberapa hari. Hari kedua pesta menuai ini adalah Maatu Ponggal iaitu perayaan khas bagi lembu peliharaan.
Perayaan Maatu Ponggal adalah tanda terima kasih masyarakat India kepada lembu yang amat berguna dalam kehidupan seharian.
Lembu dimandikan dan dibersihkan. Tanduk disapu cat pelbagai warna dan loceng baru dipasang pada leher. Lembu yang diraikan diberi makan nasi manis yang dimasak khas untuknya.
Keluarga petani dan penternak berbuat demikian sebagai tanda terhutang budi dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada haiwan berkenaan.
Lembu sesungguhnya memberi sumbangan besar kepada keluarga si penternak. Lembu jantan biasanya membantu membajak serta mengangkut barang. Lembu betina pula membekalkan susu yang amat diperlukan untuk diminum, dijadikan susu masam atau dijadikan minyak sapi.
Lembu turut membekalkan tahi yang dijadikan baja organik. Di India, tahi lembu juga dijadikan bahan bakar selepas dikeringkan; termasuk sebagai bahan bakar apabila jenazah dibakar mengikut adat Hindu.
Kajian saintifik membuktikan bahawa tahi lembu mempunyai kandungan bahan kimia yang mampu menghalau serangga perosak dan membunuh kuman.
Amalan tradisi itu ada saya selitkan pada perenggan pertama cerpen “Doa Tahun Baru” (Siru Kambam, 1996) sebagai usaha awal menggambarkan budaya kaum India dalam karya Bahasa Malaysia.
Mungkin orang ramai sedia maklum mengenai Dewi Lakshmi dalam konsep budaya India dan agama Hindu. Tambahan pula, ramai yang suka menonton filem Tamil dan Hindi.
Dewi berkenaan dianggap sebagai sumber kekayaan. Namun, tidak ramai – termasuk kaum India beragama Hindu – yang tahu bahawa Dewi Lakshmi dikatakan menghuni tahi lembu.
Mitos dan purana ini sebenarnya bertujuan menunjukkan bagaimana “kekayaan” (Dewi Lakshmi) terdapat juga pada tahi lembu yang mungkin dianggap sebagai bahan buangan yang tidak berguna.
Air kencing lembu turut terbukti secara saintifik mengandungi bahan yang mampu mengubati beberapa penyakit kulit serta bertindak sebagai bahan antiseptik.
Kelebihan ini ternyata sudah diketahui masyarakat India sejak sekitar tahun 2500 SM! Air kencing lembu biasanya direnjis pada lantai rumah untuk membersihkannya daripada kuman.
Tahi lembu yang dikeringkan pula sering dibakar dan asapnya dibiarkan memenuhi rumah kediaman. Langkah ini bagi membersihkan udara di dalam rumah daripada bakteria.
Selain itu, khasiat susu lembu adalah suatu hakikat yang sudah diketahui umum. Secara tradisi, keluarga dalam masyarakat India bergantung pada susu yang dibekalkan oleh lembu peliharaan keluarga mereka.
Susu lembu menjadi minuman sejak bayi. Maka itulah lembu yang membekalkan susu tadi dianggap sebagai “ibu susu” bagi anak-anak dalam keluarga berkenaan. Konsep ini sama sahaja dengan konsep “ibu susu” yang terdapat dalam budaya kaum/agama lain di seluruh dunia.
Itulah juga antara sebab utama mengapa masyarakat India menganggap lembu peliharaan sebagai sebahagian daripada ahli keluarga berkenaan.
Malah, lembu digelar “komatha” iaitu gelaran sama seperti “ibu”. Sejak kecil, anak-anak dididik supaya menyayangi serta menghormati lembu yang dipelihara sebagai sebahagian daripada ahli keluarga.
Lembu juga menjadi simbol kemakmuran, kekayaan dan kebahagiaan. Apabila seseorang membeli – atau membina – sebuah rumah baru, maka tuan rumah akan mengadakan upacara sembahyang khas.
Pada upacara berkenaan, seekor lembu betina akan dibawa masuk ke dalam rumah. Lembu itu akan dibawa ke setiap bilik dan ruang yang terdapat di rumah berkenaan.
Malah, jika rumah itu merupakan rumah dua atau tiga tingkat, lembu berkenaan akan dibawa menaiki tangga!
Tindakan ini dianggap sebagai mengundang Dewi Lakshmi (“kekayaan” dan “kemakmuran”) bertandang ke rumah. Malah, tuan rumah dikatakan amat bertuah sekiranya lembu itu kencing atau berak semasa berada di dalam rumah berkenaan.
Demikianlah lembu yang pendiam diberi kedudukan yang amat mulia dalam budaya kaum India sejak dahulu. Atas dasar itulah juga kaum India-Hindu tidak menyakiti, menganiaya, membunuh – apatah lagi makan! – lembu hingga kini.
Mahatma Gandhi sendiri beranggapan bahawa lembu adalah wakil bagi manusia memahami dunia binatang yang bisu. Menurut beliau, walaupun “bisu” dan tidak mampu berkata-kata, lembu mampu berkomunikasi bersama manusia melalui pergerakan matanya yang besar dan bulat.
Apa yang pasti, kaum India-Hindu di seluruh dunia amat menghargai jasa lembu. Walaupun tidak ramai petani/penternak kaum India yang masih memelihara lembu, amalan yang mendarah-daging sejak hampir 4,500 tahun lalu tentu sahaja sukar dilupakan.
Mungkin ada individu kaum India (khususnya yang tidak mengamalkan ajaran agama Hindu) yang makan daging lembu tetapi itu adalah kes terpencil yang tidak mewakili masyarakat India secara keseluruhan.

ha kita tau la kenapa setengah agama tu kenapa diaorang tak makan ini tak makan itu. ada sebab kenapa dan kita kene respect la culture and kepercayaan diaorang tu kan. jangan la simply kata mengada2 tak makan daging la apa lah.

p/s: ahaa aku teringat pernah sekali tu bro burger sebelah rumah aku kene marah dengan aci indian ni sebab tersilap bagi dia daging lembu.nak kesian kat bro burger ke nak kesian kat aci indian tu sebab termakan daging tu? ermm  ƪ(´~`")∫ 
tapi masa tu tak tau kenapa aku tergelakkan bro tu, mungkin dia tak faham kenapa dia kena marah atauuuu

*mungkin dia kene baca blog aku. ngaaa  ( ‾▿‾)-c<´o`)

terima kasih sebab baca semoga dapat pape input.insyaAllah :) nah lembu comel 

mooooo *bunyi comel*


Thursday 7 November 2013

sihat? healthy? 健康? صحي? 건강한? 健康?

سم الله الرحمن الرحيم
assalamualaikum :)

haa entah kenapa mood aku minggu ni minggu buah-buahan.aku pergi pasar rabu lepas mcm2 buah aku beli.ahaa :D

certain orang ada macam malas nak makan buah or kurang ada masa nak makan buah or memang tak suka buah or or or whatsoever.

tapi hakikatnya buah-buahan tu lah paling the best sekali selain daripada sayur even dia ada gula sikit tapi kita kene pandai la control and manage nak makan buah tu. kalau ikut recommended intake nya buah-buahan ni kita digalakkan ambil dalam 2 -3 kali setiap hari. intake of fruits straight away will help our digestive system :)

ni aku ada nak share a few ideas dalam bentuk gambar on how we want to serve fruits as a healthy snack :D

hope dapat apa2 input daripada ni :)

p/s: ohh rojak sangat bahasa aku.aku baru perasan :(

references :

terlalu banyak sumbernya.tapi papepun bendanya mr google banyak bantu :) thanks la siapa cipta google ni.

Sunday 3 November 2013

tambah berat? gain weight? زيادة الوزن? 体重增加? 체중 증가?

سم الله الرحمن الرحيم
assalamualaikum :)

ha ni lah antara masalah kawan2 aku. yang gemuk, nak kurus. yang kurus, nak gemuk. yelah siapa tak nak badan cantik kan? nak benda best kene usaha la en. *tapi jangan la tanya 'laila cemana nak kurus?'* oh my,aku pun dalam usaha nk kurus ni. okey good luck la kepada aku (ˆ⌣ˆ)ง 

kalau aku berjaya aku btau korang eh? :D 

tu aku kata makan protein tu bukan la aku suruh korang makan ayam or ikan hari2. hahaa protein yang aku maksudkan tu macam supplemen laa. selalu abang abang iklan pembunuh nyamuk tu makan la protein and dorang pergi gym utk work out. tu yang dorang boleh bunuh nyamuk tu

kau tak kenal abang ni, serious kesian kat kau sebab tak tengok tv :b

aku dietitian, aku bukan tak boleh bagi korang makan supplemen tapi depends on condition lah.kalau keadaan masa tu patient aku memerlukan supplemen atas nasihat doctor maka aku haruslah benar kan. ekekeke *bajet pulak*

ha ni aku nk share la sikit tips nak gemukkan badan ni. ni aku dapat dari kevin zahri's blog. dia ni hebat gila aku mmg suka cara dia bagi tips2. paling best ayat dia 'hidup ni perlu nikmat' . gaya dia cakap and bagi tips sgt tak stress. syok la tgk dia punya program JOM KURUS tu, rasa mcm kalau org gemuk tu memang possible gila nk kurus tapi yang penting kene usaha la kan :) 

 okey sila la baca  (ˆ⌣ˆ)ノ

tambah berat? gain weight? زيادة الوزن? 体重增加? 체중 증가?

  1. Tambah kalori! Nak tak nak anda mesti wujudkan surplus kalori untuk menambah berat badan. Kalau tidak, macamana badan ingin membesar? Pastikan pengambilan kalori seharian anda melebihi pembakaran.
  2. Jangan makan makanan merepek. Walaupun anda perlu tambah kalori, itu tidak bermakna anda boleh belasah segala kuih, manis-manisan dan lain-lain. Walaupun makan banyak, pastikan ia diet yang seimbang dari segi nisbah karbohidrat:protein:lemak. Apa nisbah yang sesuai? 55:30:15 memang bagus.
  3. Protein itu penting. Protein adalah building blocks otot anda. Jadi jangan abaikan pengambilannya sepanjang diet anda. Daripada langkah #2, jumlah pengambilan protein adalah dalam 30 peratus. Jadi kalau pengambilan kalori anda 2,500kcal sehari, 750kcal atau 187g.
  4. Makan selalu! Jangan makan 3 kali sehari kerana 1) sukar untuk memenuhi keperluan kalori (katakan 2,500kcal) dengan tiga hidangan. Paling kurang, makanlah 5x sehari – jadi pengambilan sekali makan (i.e 2,500 / 5 = 500 kcal) lebih praktikal. Lagi kerap lagi bagus.
  5. Wajib wajib wajib Bersenam! Makan semata-mata tak boleh. Suplemen itu pun kira makanan. Untuk badan gunakan surplus kalori daripada langkah #1, badan perlu ada sebab atau pemangkin. Di sinilah peranan senaman. Tapi senaman apa? Angkat berat atau senaman yang ada rintangan.
  6. Suplemen? Yes makanan tambahan membantu tapi kena pandai pilih. Weight gainer (baca artikel ini untuk info tambahan) bantu tambah kalori untuk memudahkan anda capai surplus kalori tapi tanpa pemakanan am dan senaman weight training suplemen weight gainer pun tak ke mana. Suplemen lain yang juga dapat bantu adalah creatine. Apa fungsinya? Membesarkan sel-sel dengan air dan menambah tenaga untuk senaman.Intensiti tinggi! Kalau dah bersenam dengan bebanan, pastikan intensiti tu tinggi. barulah ada perangsang untuk otot membesar. Pernah dengar isilah “no pain no gain”? Pastikan andapush diri anda pada setiap sessi senaman. Bukan mudah tapi itulah caranya.

ha insyaAllah lepas ni takde dah masalah orang kurus tu nak gemukkan badan, cuma korang kene pandai cari jalan la kan? macam aku jugak, aku nk kurus aku kene la jaga badan. kang kalau aku gemuk, patient tak nak percaya cakap aku T.T

terima kasih sebab baca semoga dapat pape input.insyaAllah :) nah abang gantang 

miowwww (ʃƪ˘▿˘)♥


Saturday 2 November 2013

kencing manis? diabetes? 당뇨병? مرض السكري? 糖尿病?

سم الله الرحمن الرحيم
assalamualaikum :)

ha hari tu masa after raya hari tu mak aku buat la medical checkup. check check ha amik ko gula mak aku naik gila, iyaa mak aku kene diabetes. sian dia, tu lah mama time raya tak nak control makan.  
muahahahaa (^O^) 

takdelah bukan nk gelakkan mak aku tapi serious before ni mak aku bukan lah seorang diabetic patient tapi disebabkan masa raya hari tu dia tak jaga makan kot *biasalah raya kan,lepas puasa kan macam2 benda la nk makan* 

time tu kesian la mak aku. tapi mak aku tabah orangnya. lepas dia tau dia diabetes, dia terus jaga makan, terus selalu pergi swimming, pergi taichi dan sebagainya. so sebenarnya aku nak cerita pasal DIABETES. 
eh korang tau ke diabetes tu apa? ha bahasa melayu nya KENCING MANIS 
kalau tak tau kencing manis tu apa ermmm entah aku tak tau la korang datang dari planet mana sbb benda ni terlalu common kt dunia ni.

insyaAllah mungkin post lepas ni aku akan cerita pakai sakit jantung dgn darah tinggi. yelah 3 beradik ni mmg common disease kat malaysia ni kan, okey sila la baca  (ˆ⌣ˆ)ノ

kencing manis? diabetes? 당뇨병? مرض السكري? 糖尿病?

What Is Diabetes? Diabetes occurs when your body can no longer handle glucose the way it's supposed to do. Glucose is a simple sugar that is the basic fuel of the body. Foods that supply glucose include fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates. The body's digestive system converts these nutrients into glucose, which is absorbed into the blood stream and transported to the body's cells. But to get the glucose into your body's cells, you need insulin. Unfortunately, sometimes the body either stops producing insulin (type 1 diabetes) or can't produce enough (type 2 diabetes). The result? Not enough insulin, so glucose stays in your bloodstream, without getting into the cells where it can function.

Is Diabetes Bad?
 When blood sugar is high, it causes other systems to malfunction. Diabetes doubles your risk of heart disease and heart attack; you're also apt to experience complications following a heart attack (heart failure, angina). There's also an increased risk of stroke, neuropathy (painful nerve dysfunction), vision changes and even erectile dysfunction.

Get tips for managing diabetes from the American Diabetes Association
Why Do People Get Type 2 Diabetes? The disease is caused when your body becomes "resistant" to insulin, so it has to produce more and more -- and eventually, it's unable to produce enough. The most common causes of this are genetics, obesity and level of activity. For instance, a sedentary person who has a BMI (Body Mass Index) greater than 25 has over a 50% chance of developing type 2 diabetes. Contrast that to someone sedentary with a BMI less than 24 -- their chance is around 12%.

What Should You Do If You've Been Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes?
 Often, my patients view this as a health "sentence" -- their parents had it, they're going to have it. Not so! Unlike type 1 diabetes, for which we have no "cure" (people with type 1 diabetes have to take insulin their entire lives), research has shown that changing your lifestyle can significantly impact your diabetes -- even to the point that you can stop taking diabetes medication altogether. Two main ways to beat diabetes are:

Talk to your doctor about diabetes
Weight Loss: If you're overweight, not only does shedding extra pounds reduce your risk of diabetes, it also impacts cholesterol, high blood pressure and your overall risk of heart disease. The key is to be realistic -- don't try to drop 30 pounds immediately! In one study, a weight loss of just 7% of body weight reduced the rate of diabetes onset by 58%.

 If you're more couch potato than gym rat, consider becoming more active to find a happy medium. A combination of both cardio and strength training and (those little bursts of high intensity seem to be especially beneficial) has been shown to reduce blood glucose levels. The key? Exercise should be at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week to see the greatest benefit. What's moderate intensity? You're working hard enough that you can talk, but not sing, during your aerobic workout, which could be as simple as brisk walking if you're just starting out.

How Can I Prevent Diabetes?
 The same treatments that can treat it (diet, exercise) can prevent diabetes in the first place. In one study of diabetes prevention, researchers had to stop the study early, since prediabetic patients that modified their lifestyle (through diet changes and reaching a 7% weight loss goal) cut their risk of developing diabetes in half. Diabetes is one area in which we know that weight loss, diet and exercise changes make a difference. Don't view diabetes as inevitable, or a death sentence -- as I tell every one of my patients that seems resigned to the diagnosis -- we can change this diagnosis. So, take charge, and let's give diabetes the boot.

so insyaAllah dgn perkongsian ni lepas ni kita jaga la makan sama2 ye. bukan apa badan ni Allah anugerahkan so apakata kita jaga betul2 tanda kita syukur? :)

terima kasih sebab baca semoga dapat pape input.insyaAllah :) nah ni la mak aku yang cantik tu <3 

muka je garang tapi hati lembut macam snow white <3


Friday 25 October 2013

fat? lemak? دهن? 脂肪? 지방?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
assalamualaikum :)

ha memandangkan ni macam benda healthy yang 1st aku nak post so aku rasa mcm menarik kalau nk start dengan benda yg mcm sensitive *bagi aku la*bagi setiap manusia lagi2 perempuan,wanita,girl,gadis,ladies iaitu FAT   

haha fat?lemak?gemuk? entahlah setengah org selalu salah faham dengan ciptaan Allah ni.semua org benci fat.padahal engko tak tau apa benda fat ni?function dia?ha meh le sebagai dietitian,sudah menjadi tanggungjawb aku la utk bersihkan minda yg selalu buruk sangka terhadap fat ni. sila la baca  (ˆ⌣ˆ)ノ

fat? lemak? دهن? 脂肪? 지방? 

Fats are organic compounds that are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They are a source of energy in foods. Fats belong to a group of substances called lipids, and come in liquid or solid form. All fats are combinations of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.


Fat is one of the 3 nutrients (along with protein and carbohydrates) that supply calories to the body. Fat provides 9 calories per gram, more than twice the number provided by carbohydrates or protein.
Fat is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Fats provide essential fatty acids, which are not made by the body and must be obtained from food. The essential fatty acids are linoleic and linolenic acid. They are important for controlling inflammation, blood clotting, and brain development.
Fat serves as the storage substance for the body's extra calories. It fills the fat cells (adipose tissue) that help insulate the body. Fats are also an important energy source. When the body has used up the calories from carbohydrates, which occurs after the first 20 minutes of exercise, it begins to depend on the calories from fat.
Healthy skin and hair are maintained by fat. Fat helps the body absorb and move the vitamins A, D, E, and K through the bloodstream.

Food Sources

These are the biggest dietary cause of high LDL levels ("bad cholesterol"). When looking at a food label, pay very close attention to the percentage of saturated fat and avoid or limit any foods that are high. Saturated fat should be limited to 10% of calories. Saturated fats are found in animal products such as butter, cheese, whole milk, ice cream, cream, and fatty meats. They are also found in some vegetable oils -- coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils. (Note: Most other vegetable oils contain unsaturated fat and are healthy.)
Fats that help to lower blood cholesterol if used in place of saturated fats. However, unsaturated fats have a lot of calories, so you still need to limit them. Most (but not all) liquid vegetable oils are unsaturated. (The exceptions include coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils.) There are two types of unsaturated fats:

  • Monounsaturated fats: Examples include olive and canola oils.
  • Polyunsaturated fats: Examples include fish, safflower, sunflower, corn, and soybean oils.

Side Effects

  • Choose lean, protein-rich foods such as soy, fish, skinless chicken, very lean meat, and fat-free or 1% dairy products.
  • Eat foods that are naturally low in fat such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Get plenty of soluble fiber such as oats, bran, dry peas, beans, cereal, and rice.
  • Limit fried foods, processed foods, and commercially prepared baked goods (donuts, cookies, crackers).
  • Limit animal products such as egg yolks, cheeses, whole milk, cream, ice cream, and fatty meats (and large portions of meats).
  • Look at food labels, especially the level of saturated fat. Avoid or limit foods high in saturated fat.
  • Look on food labels for words like "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" -- these foods are loaded with bad fats and should be avoided.
  • Liquid vegetable oil, soft margarine, and trans fatty acid-free margarine are preferable to butter, stick margarine, or shortening.

These fats form when vegetable oil hardens (a process called hydrogenation) and can raise LDL levels. They can also lower HDL levels ("good cholesterol"). Trans fatty acids are found in fried foods, commercial baked goods (donuts, cookies, crackers), processed foods, and margarines.
This refers to oils that have become hardened (such as hard butter and margarine). Partially hydrogenated means the oils are only partly hardened. Foods made with hydrogenated oils should be avoided because they contain high levels of trans fatty acids, which are linked to heart disease. (Look at the ingredients in the food label.)

Eating too much saturated fat is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. A diet high in saturated fat causes a soft, waxy substance called cholesterol to build up in the arteries. Too much fat also increases the risk of heart disease because of its high calorie content, which increases the chance of becoming obese (another risk factor for heart disease and some types of cancer).
A large intake of polyunsaturated fat may increase the risk for some types of cancer. Reducing daily fat intake is not a guarantee against developing cancer or heart disease, but it does help reduce the risk factors.

Children under age 2 should NOT be on a fat-restricted diet because cholesterol and fat are thought to be important nutrients for brain development.
It is important to read the nutrition labels and be aware of the amount of different types of fat contained in food. If you are 20, ask your health care provider about checking your cholesterol levels.

ha dah baca ni kira korang da tau apa tu fat,functions of fat,and pape pasal fat ni kan?so lepas ni tak payah la nak rasa..

'ohhhh aku dah gemuk sbb aku makan fat' 
' fat ni serious menganggu kehidupan seharian,benci sangat tau.eieeee'  

 alahai tak yah la rasa mcm tu sgt.sedih aku tengok engko ni.*facepalm* fat ni jadi mudarat bila uncontrol je la. and setiap apa benda yang Allah cipta ni ada hikmah dia tak kira la benda kecil ke besar ke.yang kene pandai control and bersederhana. bukan ke kita kena hidup bersederhana? :)      

terima kasih sebab baca semoga dapat pape input.insyaAllah :) nah fat sikit

American Heart Association Nutrition Committee; Lichtenstein AH, Appel LJ, Brands M, Carnethon M, Daniels S, et al. Diet and lifestyle recommendations revision 2006: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee. Circulation . 2006;114:82-96.
Mosca L, Banka CL, Benjamin EJ, Berra K, Bushnell C, Dolor RJ, et al. Evidence-based guidelines for cardiovascular disease prevention in women: 2007 update. Circulation. 2007;115:1481-1501.